Expert Tips on How to Keep Your Basement Pest-Free

Exterior foundation wall coated in waterproof sealant

When it comes to protecting your home from unwanted pests, many homeowners overlook the basement. However, bugs and rodents find it just as comfortable as the rest of your home. Therefore, it's important to take precautions as quickly as possible to let them know they're not welcome. Waterproof paint for basement floors and basement wall sealer paints — such as Liquid Rubber Foundation Sealant/Basement Coating — go a long way in preventing water infiltration and discouraging pests from moving in.

Having pests in your home is more than a minor inconvenience. Bugs, rodents and other animals that nest in your home can do significant structural damage to your walls, ceilings and floors. They can also cause your furniture to deteriorate and spread disease. Waste products from these animals can infiltrate your ventilation system and compromise your indoor air quality. Don't risk the health and welfare of your family and guests. Instead, you can prevent pests from entering your basement by using the right products to waterproof and pest-proof your home.


You may wonder how you can prevent pests from entering the basement. Taking a few precautions can safeguard your home from pests and water infiltration.

1. Proper Food Storage

Proper food storage and disposal can remove important food sources for bugs and critters. If you have a freezer in the basement, make sure that it seals properly, and use a lock or other mechanism to keep out rodents and other animals.

liquid rubber foundation sealant kit

2. Seal the Basement and Foundation

Seal your basement and foundation to reduce moisture. Liquid Rubber Foundation Sealant is the best overall product to achieve this goal. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to apply this product to foundation cracks, removed windows, and patched vent holes:

  1. Waterproof the exterior foundation with Liquid Rubber Foundation Sealant. This works for removing windows and waterproofing vent hole patches too.
  2. First, remove the basement window, if desired, or clean out the vent hole.
  3. Fill with cinder blocks for a large area or mortar for smaller patches. This denies easy access to rodents and other pests.
  4. Allow 48 hours for the mortar to dry. Then, power wash and dry the treated area.
  5. Coat with Liquid Rubber Foundation Sealant. You'll need two or three heavy coats for most projects.

NOTE: You can apply the next coat when the surface is dry or tacky to the touch.

One container typically covers up to 20 square feet per gallon. It's a good idea to avoid direct sunlight and UV exposure and delay waterproofing projects if heavy dew or rainfall is predicted within 48 hours. Drying times depend on the humidity and airflow, so provide as much ventilation as possible to the treated area.

Repairing Leaks and Dripping Pipes/Faucets

If you have visible water stains or notice water dripping down the basement walls, seal off the cracks with spray foam or caulk. This prevents pests from using this as a gateway to your home. You can also use dehumidifiers to increase the comfort level and reduce moisture in your basement. This can also make it less appealing to insects and other creepy crawlies.

Do you have leaking faucets or pipes in your basement or along the foundation of your home? If so, call a plumber to replace the faulty fixture to help prevent moisture incursion.

Pest Management

There are many different kinds of pests that would like to inhabit your home and feast on your food or family members. Termites, ants, spiders, rodents and cockroaches are some of the most insidious and common pests that get inside your home. Here are some tips on how to deal with them.

  • Termites and cockroaches: Termites can quickly decimate the lumber that holds up your home. Due to the special nature of these pests, it's best to call a termite specialist. The same is true of roaches. Note that many over-the-counter treatments simply don't work for these natural survivors.
  • Spiders: Spiders enter your home looking for their natural food sources, flies and other insects. Quickly vacuum away spider webs as soon as you notice them to discourage them from hunting in your home.
  • Ants: There are many effective products on the market to deal with ants. This may include ant buttons with poisons that ants take back to the nest and spread to other members of the colony. Keeping the basement free of food and debris can discourage ants from roaming your walls and floors to find food.
  • Rodents: Setting up traps and sealing off entry points can go a long way towards getting rid of rodents. If you don't already have a cat or dog, getting one can deter pests from infesting your home.

It's always a good idea to call an exterminator for regular services to help eliminate as many common pests from your home as possible.


Keeping a clean, organized and moisture-free basement discourages insects and other pests from calling your home their own. Liquid Rubber products seal your home against moisture incursion and help ensure that pests can no longer infiltrate through cracks and holes in the foundation. Additionally, Liquid Rubber products eliminate water incursion and can prevent flooding and water damage. Check out all our products, including Liquid Rubber Basement Floor Paint, to find the one that works best in your basement.